During his meeting with the President, Al-Mandalawi Stresses the Importance of Commitment to Implement the Govt Program to Achieve Economic Growth

The First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, met today, Tuesday, with the President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid.

During the meeting, according to a statement by al-Mandalawi office, they discussed general political and economic affairs and issues affecting the lives of citizens in all aspects.

Al-Mandalawi stressed: the importance of coordination between the authorities to pass laws that affect people’s needs, especially the general budget law, as it is the main tool in achieving the achievements of public performance and the means used by the legislative authority to infer the sobriety of the work of the three authorities by looking at the inputs and outputs of this budget and the extent of its success in achieving economic and social development, which were included in the government program that everyone is keen to implement.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

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