Government Spokesman: We have 26 memorandums of understanding that will be signed today between Iraq and Turkey

Government Spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi confirmed that there are 26 memorandums of understanding that will be signed today between Iraq and Turkey.

He said in a press conference that the memorandums address cooperation in the fields of water, trade, agriculture, military training, military health, food industries, youth and sports, health and medical sciences, in addition to cooperation in the field of education, tourism, work and employment, media and communications, judicial cooperation, and the strategic framework agreement.

He added that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party is a banned organization, and on the basis of this, the official security authorities will deal with it. They will be treated as guests on Iraqi territory in accordance with the law, otherwise they will be treated as refugees.

He explained that there is Iraqi-Turkish security cooperation to strengthen the police stations, points and border crossings between the two countries, and we will sign a new security agreement similar to the agreement s
igned between the two countries.

He continued that the water files, the path to development and security are basic files that are at the forefront of this visit, and we will reach an Iraqi-Turkish approach that guarantees the best solutions to achieve the interests of the two countries.

Al-Awadi said that President Erdogan’s visit to Iraq will end by the end of the current day, and we hope to reach common understandings.

He added that the strategic agreement to be signed by Iraq and Turkey includes the formation of a joint fund to enhance water revenues and the implementation of joint projects that guarantee the best rationalization of water consumption, indicating that Iraq’s water share will be sufficient during the coming years by adopting rationalization of consumption and optimal use of water.

He explained that the problem of extending the Iraqi oil export pipeline through Turkey was recently resolved, and there was agreement on Turkey’s readiness to pump Iraqi oil through that pipeline. What remains
is only related to the producing companies in the Kurdistan region, and we need negotiations to reach results related to the price and the costs of operation, production, and export.

He said that Turkey officially informed us of its readiness to export and pump Iraqi oil.

Al-Awadi added that today we will sign a four-way strategic agreement for the development road project between Iraq, Qatar, the Emirates and Turkey, and these countries will be the main parties concerned with supervision, implementation, financing and management of all projects related to the development road.

He continued: During the coming period, we are preparing to gradually move to the executive committees that will be responsible for presenting the development road project with the investment system to other international companies.

He said that the government has formed follow-up teams to implement the agreements and projects it agrees on with other countries, indicating that the Iraqi government is concerned with defending the in
terests of local banks, correcting their financial conditions, and ensuring the legality of their work in accordance with the international bank transfer system.

He explained that the strategic agreement that will be signed between Iraq and Turkey in Baghdad today is completely similar to the Iraqi-Chinese framework agreement.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

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